Non-English Schools STEM Workshop
Youth4Youth traveled to different areas of Hong Kong to provide STEM sessions to Y12 to Y13 students in non-English schools such as Aberdeen Technical School. The focus of these sessions was to engage the students in thought-provoking class discussions and incorporate unique exploration-based activities to encourage students to follow Maths and Technology career pathways in the future.
Students explored Image-to-Image Demo, an interactive image translation software with pix2pix, a conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN) that studies a mapping from input images to output images. They also explored GauGAN, Nvidia's image maker animated by artificial intelligence. This tool is often called a "smart paintbrush" or "robot artist" because it uses deep learning artificial intelligence, machine learning and neural networks to turn a sketch into a photorealistic image. Students learnt how unique this software is since it does not stitch together pieces of images or cut and paste textures, but instead, actually synthesises new images like an artist would draw something. The students were also able to work through some famous, counterintuitive maths problems like The Monty Hall Problem and The Birthday Paradox where they studied probability theory and veridical paradox.
Empower and Inspire